.. _archnotes: ********************************* gipc's architecture in a nutshell ********************************* - Child process creation and invocation is done via a thin wrapper around ``multiprocessing.Process``. On Unix-like systems, the inherited gevent hub as well as the inherited libev event loop become destroyed and re-initialized in the child before execution of the user-given target function. - On Unix-like systems, gevent-cooperative child process monitoring is implemented with libev child watchers which rely on SIGCHLD signal transmission. - gipc uses anonymous pipes as a stream-like transport layer for gevent-cooperative communication between greenlets within the same process or across process boundaries. By default, a binary ``pickle`` protocol is used which allows for transmitting arbitrary Python objects. Reading and writing on pipes is done with ``gevent``'s cooperative versions of ``os.read()`` and ``os.write()`` (on Unix-like systems they use non-blocking I/O, whereas on Windows a thread pool is used for emulating that behavior). On Linux, my test system (Xeon E5630) achieved a payload transfer rate of 1200 MB/s and a message transmission rate of 100.000 messages/s through one pipe between two processes. - gipc automatically closes pipe handles in the parent process after being passed to the child, and also closes those in the child that were not explicitly transferred to it. This auto-close behavior might be a limitation in certain special cases. However, it automatically prevents file descriptor leakage and forces developers to make deliberate choices about which handles should be transferred explicitly. - gipc provides convenience features such as a context manager for pipe handles or timeout controls based on ``gevent.Timeout``. - Read/write operations on a pipe are ``gevent.lock.Semaphore``-protected and therefore greenthread-safe.