.. _background: ************************ Background & Terminology ************************ Understanding gipc requires familiarity with "event-driven", "asynchronous", and "concurrent" architectures, with "coroutines", and especially with the gevent Python library and its underlying concepts. If you are new to some or all of that the following paragraphs are my humble attempt to familiarize you with the topic. I/O-bound: many execution units, practically all of them wait at any given time =============================================================================== An event-driven architecture such as gevent's is tailored for an input/output-bound (I/O-bound) computing scenario. In such a scenario there are many (hundreds or thousands or many more) of individual execution units (think "functions") whereas at any given time practically all of them wait for some data to be delivered by an external source, through the operating system (for example, they wait for some input data that is expected to be incoming over the network, or some user input provided via the keyboard). That is, it is expected that practically all of these execution units have nothing to do, are idle, at any given time. In other words, each execution unit spends the largest fraction of its overall execution time (which is the wall time at the start of execution to the wall time at the end of execution) *waiting* for *something*. The execution unit has no work to do (cannot proceed) until that *something* arrived. That is, in the most general sense, each execution unit spends most of its execution time waiting for one or more externally triggered events to happen (such as 'new data has arrived for you!' or 'we completed sending the data to the other side of the world over the network' or 'mouse button X was pressed'). In an ideal world the process of waiting for an event means literally doing *nothing*, no computing work, until notified to proceed. Hence, while an execution unit waits for an event to arrive it does not need to consume CPU time. However, surely, the execution unit would like to proceed executing *immediately* once the event it waited for has arrived. No unnecessary delays, please! The kinds of events referred to above are generally provided by the operating system to the program through one of many operating system-specific event notification mechanisms. In general, it is the responsibility of a so-called *event loop* to translate the operating system's event notification system into the programming language-specific or framework-specific notification system. In that sense, an event loop is the glue between the operating system's event notification machinery and the individual execution units that the programmer sees and knows about. Single-threaded event-driven architecture with coroutines ========================================================= If such an architecture is implemented within a single operating system process within just a single operating system thread then one can say with certainty that the only activity that all of the execution units perform in parallel, i.e. physically *simultaneously*, is *waiting*. That is quite an important insight! Or, in other words: only a single execution unit is ever running (executing code on a CPU core) at any given time. In such an execution model you don't need to worry too much about the meanest types of race conditions in your code because code from two (or more) execution units is never run truly in parallel (that does not mean that such an architecture is race condition-free :-). One of the established ways to reason about such an architecture is to think of the individual execution units as *coroutines*, where each of the coroutines needs to cooperate with a certain coroutine scheduling mechanism. The coroutine scheduler is supposed to decide which coroutine should execute next. It runs in the very same operating system thread as everything else. When it runs, it has awareness of all the events the individual coroutines are waiting for. Based on these data it decides which coroutine to run next (one can say that it decides "which coroutine to context-switch into"). Cooperative scheduling vs. preemptive scheduling ================================================ When the scheduler decides to invoke a new coroutine -- or to continue to execute a previously interrupted coroutine -- then it **gives up control**: if that coroutine decides to never yield control back to the scheduler then we can say that it does *not* behave cooperatively. In that case the scheduler is out of luck: there is no mechanism for it to *preempt* said coroutine. None of all the other coroutines waiting for execution will ever be able to proceed. That is a major difference between *cooperative scheduling* and *preemptive scheduling*. Using cooperative scheduling in your code can only make sense when there are no bad actors, and you, as the developer, are fully in control of the individual execution units (and even then it is hard enough to make sure that all units cooperate). With the bad actor scenario in mind only preemptive scheduling can ensure reasonable system responsiveness (and that is why general-purpose operating systems such as Linux can preempt any given operating system thread at any time). In summary, once a coroutine has the honor to proceed to do something it is expected to be a good citizen -- to cooperate -- and to yield back control to the scheduler as soon as in any way possible. That is the deal! The most trivial and at the same time most relevant example for an execution unit that does not behave cooperatively is a function that calls a blocking operating system call such as a `recv()` on a socket that has been opened in the (default) blocking mode. In that case, the entire thread from which the system call was initiated cannot proceed executing (and a coroutine scheduling machinery would immediately stop doing work, entirely). Given all of that -- what is gevent and why do we need gipc? ============================================================ Gevent uses the wonderful libev library as its underlying event loop library so that it can efficiently interact with the operating system. Gevent makes use of the magical greenlet project for implementing coroutines (then called "greenlets") that can be context-switched into and out of highly efficiently. Gevent implements the *gevent hub* which is the coroutine scheduler directly tied to a libev event loop. And then, after all, the majority of the dirty business and work done by gevent is to magically make most relevant Python standard library modules behave *cooperatively*. That means that most standard library modules that use blocking system calls are monkey-patched (patched at runtime) to use non-blocking variants of said calls. Does gevent completely patch all CPython standard library modules? No. For example, the `multiprocessing` module is especially complex and hard to adopt, which is why gipc now provides a subset of its functionality, in a gevent-cooperative fashion. "Asynchronous" vs. "synchronous" ================================ I do not necessarily like these terms. I feel like there almost always is a way to describe the situation a little more explicitly than these terms can provide. "Asynchronous" usually means that a certain entity (maybe an execution unit?) submits a task or job elsewhere, and then requests to be notified once the work has been done (or in case an error occurred). In the time between submission and completion the control flow can proceed elsewhere, doing some useful work instead of just to wait. Now, how does that relate to gevent? The typical hello world gevent application is single-threaded (maybe except for a few details which do not matter for this discussion). Code related to the underlying event loop executes in that thread. Code related to the gevent hub executes in that thread. The architecture clearly follows an "asynchronous" paradigm in the sense that if one greenlet waits for e.g. data to arrive on a socket, the gevent hub switches to *another* greenlet and allows it to proceed execution. The asynchronous nature of the code flow, however, is *implicit* because the context switch between greenlets is nothing the programmer notes down explicitly in application code. It cannot really be seen when reading the application code. In fact, an event-driven asynchronous application written with gevent basically looks the same as if it were not event-driven. One might argue that it is rather hard to understand the code path in a gevent application: think of the application code being laid out in the typical two-dimensional fashion (the code plane, which is like writing on a piece of paper) -- then the context-switching is performed magically by the gevent machinery in a third dimension, like a machine that makes crazy leaps and jumps across your code plane. In gevent, basically every call into the standard library might result in the current coroutine being interrupted and *some* other coroutine proceeding execution. NodeJS for example also implements a single-threaded event-driven architecture. Its underlying event loop is libuv. The asynchronous nature of the code is more explicit and obvious from the code itself, because callbacks are being used for connecting the dots. Arguably, callback-dominated code isn't easy to follow either. More than one event loop? ========================= With gipc it is easy to connect multiple processes, each running their own thread and event loop. The gipc primitives for inter-process communication can then be used for implementing an efficient, snappy information flow across processes.