
gipc’s interface is slim. All you will probably interact with are gipc.start_process(), gipc.pipe(), and their returned objects. Make yourself familiar with gipc’s behavior by going through the code examples as well as through the API section.

Quick-start example

The following example program uses gipc for spawning a child process and for creating a pipe. The pipe has a read end and a write end. The program sends a dummy Python object (the integer 0 in this case) from a greenlet in the main (parent) process through the pipe to the child process:

import gevent
import gipc

def writelet(w):
    # This function runs as a greenlet in the parent process.
    # Put a Python object into the write end of the pipe.

def readchild(r):
    # This function runs in a child process.
    # Read object from the read end of the pipe and confirm that it is the
    # expected one.
    assert r.get() == 0

def main():
    with gipc.pipe() as (readend, writeend):
        # Start 'writer' greenlet. Provide it with the pipe write end.
        g = gevent.spawn(writelet, writeend)
        # Start 'reader' child process. Provide it with the pipe read end.
        p = gipc.start_process(target=readchild, args=(readend,))
        # Wait for both to finish.

# Protect entry point from being executed upon import (this matters
# on Windows).
if __name__ == "__main__":

Although quite simple, this code would have various unwanted side-effects if used with the canonical multiprocessing API instead of gipc.start_process() and gipc.pipe(). These side effects are described below in the Challenges section.