Python Packaging Progress

Everybody who has ever done some sort of Python packaging work in order to provide his/her Python module to others, was confronted with an (in friendly words) over-complicated situation. It is not easy to figure out the right way to do packaging, because there are multiple ways, each of which has a whole tail of pros and cons. When you are doing it for the first time, it’s difficult to anticipate the issues that might come up — either on your side, or on the user’s end. Recently, I also stumbled over that: Everybody involved knows that the situation is far from being optimal, and there are efforts to bring the situation under control. A nice article on LWN wraps up the current situation: There is hope.


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  1. […] and probably already realized yourself, is that Python packaging and package distribution can be quite tedious. In the past years, the recommendations for doing things “the right way” have often […]